Hormones are essential for regulating the balance of blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body. Adrenaline and cortisol, for example, can cause changes in blood pressure levels through vasoconstriction or water retention. Insulin is not the only hormone that affects blood sugar levels though, as there are other hormones that work against it and raise the glucose levels. One of these hormones is growth hormone, which has an effect on both water retention and glucose metabolism. Despite potential issues such as insulin resistance or water retention, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) therapy is still considered safe and effective for those with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) and comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes.
HGH & Diabetes
Diabetes is a common condition in adults over the age of 35, and can have a pronounced effect on the body’s ability to heal and recover. The presence of human growth hormone (HGH) in the body activates a chemical called IGF-1, which is connected to the activity of insulin. IGF-1 helps direct sugar to the muscles for growth and reduces the effectiveness of insulin. For men with diabetes, HGH therapy can safely be administered by a professional hormonal therapist. A personalized treatment plan will be crafted to ensure that the body’s hormonal balances are closely monitored to take advantage of the anti-aging benefits of HGH without affecting the insulin levels. By taking into account the impact of diabetes on the body, we can better understand the relationship between human growth hormone and diabetes.
How growth hormone affects blood sugar (glucose)
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. It does this by counteracting the effects of insulin and stimulating the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, such as lactate, glycerol, and proteins. This process is known as gluconeogenesis, which is a continual process that takes place in the liver. However, hormones such as HGH can increase the rate of gluconeogenesis, making it a key counterregulatory hormone to insulin. Therefore, HGH helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels in the body.
Does HGH raise or lower blood sugar?
Insulin secretion is not impaired after an injection of HGH, so it is unlikely to cause a drastic change in the blood sugar levels of non-diabetic individuals, with only a slight increase in fasting glucose observed. However, long-term GH deficiency can lead to the accumulation of fat around internal organs and visceral obesity, which can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Glucagon, cortisol, and adrenaline are all hormones that help regulate stable blood sugar levels and stimulate gluconeogenesis, so a deficiency in GH does not necessarily lead to hypoglycemia.
Does growth hormone cause insulin resistance?
The influence of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) on the performance of insulin is indirect, which means that a surge in HGH will not impede the release of insulin. On the contrary, insulin levels may also rise due to the fact that HGH reduces the efficiency of insulin in lowering blood sugar. This is because HGH reduces the sensitivity of insulin and researchers have hypothesized a few potential mechanisms to explain this.
Studies have indicated that HGH hinders the absorption of glucose by fat cells, augmenting the overall resistance to insulin but simultaneously diminishing the supply of energy to these cells and their ability to accumulate more fat. Moreover, HGH also stimulates the discharge of triglycerides from fat cells and their intake by muscle cells, where the fats can be used for energy. This process increases the amount of triglycerides in the bloodstream, which is seen as another possible factor in increasing the resistance to insulin.
High levels of triglycerides in abdominal obesity can be a connection between obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Can diabetics take HGH?
Recent research suggests that while Human Growth Hormone (HGH) treatment can lead to a temporary increase in insulin resistance, long-term use of the therapy may not result in any significant changes in blood sugar levels. Official guidelines recommend that individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes adjust their dose of insulin or antidiabetic medications when undergoing HGH therapy. Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, will not reduce the effectiveness of the treatment for those with GHD, but the increase in insulin resistance may be a concern for non-diabetic patients. Fortunately, the benefits of HGH treatment, such as reducing visceral fat, can help to restore insulin sensitivity over time. As a result, it is important to monitor blood sugar levels and make any necessary adjustments to medication while undergoing HGH therapy.
How growth hormone affects blood pressure
Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, with higher systolic pressure being the more common finding. The cause of this is thought to be due to a decrease in vasodilators, thicker arterial walls and an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. Other cardiovascular issues which have been linked to GHD include a reduction in cardiac output and an unfavorable lipid profile. These conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s overall health and wellbeing, making it essential that they are managed appropriately.
A comprehensive meta-analysis showed that HGH therapy can lead to a decrease in diastolic blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Furthermore, the therapy has a positive influence on the structure of the heart in patients with GHD. This is due to an improvement in the thickness of the cardiac muscle and a better heart function.
Although HGH therapy can be beneficial, it can also cause an excessive amount of growth hormone which increases the risk of developing hypertension, as it is a common symptom for those with acromegaly. This is due to the fact that HGH causes water retention, renin secretion and an increase in extracellular fluids.
Is it safe to use HGH for high blood pressure?
Studies suggest that HGH therapy has been linked to a notable increase in sodium levels, which is likely due to the hormone’s ability to stimulate the renin-angiotensin system, as well as its direct effects on the kidneys. This can lead to water retention, yet having high blood pressure does not necessarily mean that a person should not take growth hormone therapy. In fact, many patients with untreated GHD have hypertension. Taking HGH therapy may even help reduce elevated blood pressure, as animal studies indicate that growth hormone can promote the production of vasodilators such as nitric oxide, which could lead to lower blood pressure. However, it is important to note that those with hypertension should not take large doses of GH, as this could result in significant water retention.
Does HGH raise blood pressure?
In patients with GHD, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) therapy is unlikely to result in high blood pressure, as long as it is not present beforehand. On rare occasions, HGH treatment in children may lead to a mild increase in pressure within the skull, but cases of this in adults are incredibly rare and can be resolved by decreasing the dose.
Studies on HGH, Bood sugar & Blood pressure
Growth hormone (GH) therapy can disrupt insulin’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels. GH increases glucose production from the skeletal muscle and liver and decreases glucose uptake from adipose tissue. To counter this, the body increases insulin production. GH also stimulates lipolysis of the visceral fat tissue, which increases the amount of free fatty acids (FFA) circulating in the body. These FFA can interfere with insulin’s ability to control glucose, and prolonged exposure to high FFA levels can be toxic to beta-cells. On the other hand, increased levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) after GH administration can have beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle and liver.
Studies on HGH, Bood sugar & Blood pressure
Growth hormone (GH) usually opposes the effects of insulin on glucose and lipid metabolism, but shares similar anabolic properties with insulin. Under normal circumstances, GH does not have a direct effect on total glucose turnover. However, it has been observed that GH can reduce glucose oxidation and suppress muscle glucose uptake, suggesting that GH re-routes glucose into a non-oxidative pathway, which could be used to build up glycogen stores through gluconeogenesis. As GH secretion is inhibited when fed, these effects are mainly evident when fasting or in the postprandial state. In cases of GH excess, such as in acromegaly, poorly controlled type 1 diabetes or high dose GH treatment, the diabetogenic effects of GH become more apparent. In these patients, increased endogenous glucose production, decreased muscle glucose uptake and higher blood glucose levels are observed. If the patient’s β-cells are still functioning, these changes can be offset by hyperinsulinemia, which can lead to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (‘Reavens syndrome X’). When stimulated with insulin, these patients show insulin resistance in the liver, adipose tissue and muscle. Few studies have been done to explore the effect of GH on glucose metabolism in GH-deficient patients. These patients are highly sensitive to the effects of insulin on glucose metabolism and it has been observed that, when GH is first administered to these patients in a GH-deprived state, it has paradoxically similar effects to insulin. It is not clear whether this is related to increased activity of insulin-like growth factors.
Bottomline on HGH & Bood sugar
Some believe that growth hormone can raise blood sugar levels, but this has been shown to be incorrect. Rather, it is one of the hormones released in response to low blood sugar. In some cases, children who are treated with GH develop diabetes, which is thought to be the result of an over-activation of IGF-1, which reduces insulin’s ability to break down sugar in the blood. In the past, physicians would give pre-determined prescriptions that could result in an excess of growth hormone, and thus an increased risk of diabetes. It is important to get tailored treatment from a hormone specialist to avoid this outcome. To ensure optimal care, it is recommended to seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can provide individualized and professionally guided treatment.