Today, we are talking with Danny Bosa about his experience with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) after three months. Danny and I, Dr. Stephen DeVos, are partners in the world of hormone optimization. If you would like to learn more about the most cutting-edge science-based information in this field, please get in touch with us.

Danny had been taking 200 milligrams of TRT per week, and although his testosterone levels had risen, he was not feeling the effects. He started adding other supplements such as an AI (aromatose inhibitor), pregnenolone, DHEA, and vitamin D, but it only made things worse. His sleep was poor, his appetite was low, his libido and erections were almost non-existent, and his mood was foul. He had no motivation to do anything.

However, when Danny went to the gym, he noticed he was getting stronger. He could lift heavier weights than before, and he felt a difference in his strength. This was the one benefit he noticed after three months of TRT.

Testosterone injections before and after

After months of feeling like I had been making no progress in the gym, I finally saw an uptick in my strength and performance. I was getting such intense pumps that I couldn’t believe it was just from taking 200 milligrams of testosterone a week. I noticed that I was starting to put on muscle, as well as some fat on my chest and around my waist.

Despite all my efforts in diet and training, nothing seemed to make a difference until this point. Even after four years, the fat on my chest is still slowly going away. Additionally, I noticed that the bulge around my belly button and on the sides of my body was receding. This was the most noticeable change I saw in my third month, and it was a great feeling to see the results of my hard work.

Performance improvements in gym with T injections therapy

If you are looking for performance improvements in the gym, it may take about three months to see results. For me, it was a combination of critical thinking, rational thought, and adding a bit of extra weight to my routine that made the biggest difference. I was able to see significant progress in my deadlift, increasing thirty pounds in two weeks.

Additionally, I was able to get stronger pumps and better blood flow throughout my body. I was able to rest for a shorter period of time in between sets and I was able to lift more weight with the same amount of effort. Overall, it was a great experience and I’m glad that I made the effort to make changes to my routine.

Testosterone injections for overall quality of life

This case study is about how testosterone can be used to help men lose weight and improve their overall quality of life. The patient in question was a 61-year-old male who came in with a weight of 170 pounds. After three months, he returned to the same weight, but his fat mass had decreased significantly and his muscle mass had increased.

This shows that testosterone can be used to redistribute fat and muscle mass in the body.

Testosterone can help with weight loss by altering how the body uses and distributes energy. As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, which causes the body to store more energy in fat cells, leading to increased belly fat.

This case study shows that testosterone can help reverse this process, allowing for muscle mass to increase and fat mass to decrease.

In addition to helping with weight loss, testosterone can also improve overall quality of life. Testosterone can help increase energy levels, improve focus, and improve mood. For best results, testosterone should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Case study: how testosterone supplementation works for weight loss

By taking a closer look at the case study of a man who was prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it is possible to gain an understanding of how testosterone supplementation works and how it can lead to weight loss.


After an initial assessment, it was discovered that the patient had low levels of testosterone, as well as a moderate deficiency in Vitamin B12, low ferritin, and abnormal levels of tissue transglutaminase antibody and gliadin peptide antibody which are markers for gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Additionally, the patient’s fasting glucose was higher than normal.


In order to get the desired results, it was decided to not just use testosterone, but to also use thyroid hormone, cortisol, and t3 to address the other issues the patient was facing.


After the treatment, the patient’s testosterone levels had increased from 217 to 797 and his other hormone levels had also improved. The results showed that the testosterone had caused the calories to be redirected from the fat cells to the muscle cells and an enlargement in the muscle cells was observed.

From this case study, it can be seen that when considering TRT for weight loss, it is important to look beyond testosterone and take into account other hormones, such as estrogen and thyroid, as well as other markers for health such as Vitamin B12, ferritin and glucose levels. It is also important to note that for most men, a testosterone level of 700 or above is considered optimal.

Case Study: Testosterone injections for insulin resistance and Depression

This man wanted to use testosterone injections to treat his symptoms, so he was given a weekly dose of testosterone incipient aid. To prevent testicular atrophy, he was also given human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

To address his insulin resistance, he was given a medication called t3 and to treat his depression, t3 was used as a standalone treatment.

To improve his nutrition, he removed gluten from his diet and replaced some of his nutrient deficiencies with vitamin D3 and K2. Lastly, he was given some adrenal support to increase his energy levels.

All of these treatments together helped to alleviate his symptoms and improve his overall health.

Case Study: Testosterone injections combined with intermittent fasting

This case study is a great example of how intermittent fasting, combined with other therapies, can be beneficial to male health. It is important to note that this may not work the same way for everyone, so it is important to evaluate one’s own needs and determine if additional tests or treatments are necessary.

This person was lucky in that they did not need to modulate their estrogen levels as much as others may.


Testosterone therapy can have a wide range of comprehensive benefits for men. However, for specific goals, it might need to be complemented with other treatments/medications or lifestyle changes such as diet, workouts etc. Personalized treatments work best.

If you have any questions about this, you can book a consultation with us for more information. If you have any other questions, please submit our contact form.

About the author

Dr Steven Devos, MD PhD, has over 3 decades of fitness, lifting, nutrition, dieting, supplementation and hormone replacement therapy experience. He is the writer of the Dutch book “Flexibel Dieet en Krachttraining” (“Flexible Diet and Resistance Training”), and is also know as “The Lifting Dermatologist”, and runs 2 YouTube channels: “The Lifting Dermatologist” and the “TRT and Hormone Optimization” channel. He has also launched a digital product called – Complete Beginner’s Full-Body Program.

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